Friday, November 14, 2008

I left yesterday to go pick up a salad for lunch and when I returned I found this:

My coworker (formerly my friend, Chuck) is dead meat. All I have to say is it's on. I know his weaknesses and I'm not above exploiting them.

Anyone know where I can get the world's largest tarantula replica by Monday?

Grace aka Stinky

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It occurred to me earlier that I haven't posted any pictures of Grace since we adopted out her brother and sister. Here she is in all her glory.

Grace is what I like to call "special" in many ways. First, there's the stench. Grace has this built in defense mechanism or what some people call gas. Whenever you startle her she emits this odor, which to put it mildly, is rank. Sometimes, her defense mechanism goes off on its own and she just sits around trying to kill the entire household.

You'd think that would be "special" enough, right? Not so much. We also refer to Grace as broken. This label stems from the fact that occasionally when Grace goes to clean herself she screams at her asshole. No, not me. Her own actual asshole. Yeah, it's bizarre. Yet, strangely enough she fits right into our household.

I'm not quite sure what that says about us.